Artists and activists Graham Evans and Emily Nelson are getting ready to tour the Northeast and Midwest, teaching people how to grow and cook their own food in a sustainable way… in a sustainable set of wheels. The pair and their Nourish(meant) project will be refurbishing a 14-passenger school bus that will run on waste vegetable oil, have a kitchen inside, and a garden on top.
As they meet, feed, and build relationships, they will begin a series of conversations about how to grow your own food, the importance of local and regional food systems, and general sustainability practices. In addition to this, they will teach those who are interested about biofuels, seed banking, and the many other topics they expect to learn about on the voyage. Nourish(meant) will function as a traveling art and education center geared toward addressing hunger and food insecurity in this country at the personal, community, and regional scales.
Nourish(meant) is broken down into three sub-projects: bodily nourishment in the form of the container garden growing on top of the bus, spiritual or creative nourishment, and mental nourishment.
The pair will hit the road (hopefully) in early July as they spend this month fixing up the bus. You can read more about the Nourish(meant) project at