Clean Fuels Conference 202

POET Uses Less Water

poetAccording to a POET press release, POET Biorefining in Bingham Lake, Minnesota, has used a new technology wich will eliminate water discharge providing a more efficient way to produce ethanol.

poet_binghamThe 35 million gallon per year facility currently uses less water than average plants. Bingham Lake facility used 3.42 gallons of water to produce one gallon of ethanol. With zero-liquid discharge, that is cut by 23 percent, to an estimated 2.64 gallons of water per gallon of ethanol.

“This process is yet another way POET is working to continue making ethanol production more efficient,” POET CEO Jeff Broin said. “Zero-liquid discharge technology benefits the plant, the community and all the area water users.”

Additional POET facilites use innovative ways to cut water use including: Corning, Iowa; Portland, Indiana; and Big Stone, S.D. POET plants on average use 3 gallons of water per gallon of ethanol.

Ethanol, News, POET