Clean Fuels Conference 202

Former Biodiesel Board Chair Honored at Commodity Classic

John Davis

As Cindy mentioned in the previous post, biofuels were a big part of the conversation at the recent Commodity Classic in Grapevine, Texas. And during that important meeting of the nation’s grain producers, it only makes sense that one of the country’s biggest commodities recognized the contribution biodiesel has made to the agricultural industry in the U.S.

The American Soybean Association honored immediate past chairman of the National Biodiesel Board Darryl Brinkmann for his lifelong work in furthering biodiesel in this country. This NBB press release says Brinkmann received the ASA Lifetime Achievement – Association Focus Award for his work with biodiesel through NBB, among his other service to ASA:

brinkmann“It is a real honor to have your colleagues pay tribute to you in that way,” said Brinkmann, who was surprised with the award at ASA’s banquet Friday night at the Commodity Classic in Grapevine, Texas. “Usually getting a new product to market takes longer than it has for biodiesel. During my time serving ASA on NBB’s board, there have been lots of challenges, lots of successes, and lots of fun.” The Commodity Classic is an annual agricultural trade show and convention.

“I credit a lot of what I helped accomplish to ASA, as well,” Brinkmann added. “It was at the table when NBB was first formed; its members first started using biodiesel; and it has helped us working in the biodiesel industry get the tax incentive again and again.”

Brinkmann, from Carlyle, Ill., serves on the NBB Executive Committee and Governing Board as the ASA representative. He was NBB chairman from 2004 – 2007. Brinkmann has also served on ASA’s executive committee as vice president.

The award thanks the person for working on behalf of ASA throughout the years. NBB officials point out that while Brinkmann was chair, the first federal biodiesel tax incentive was enacted, along with other critical federal developments.

Biodiesel, Commodity Classic