Clean Fuels Conference 202

Scientists Declare Biodiesel Support

Cindy Zimmerman

NBB 09 Rob MyersA new initiative was announced at the opening general session of the National Biodiesel Conference Monday – Scientists for Biodiesel.

Thomas Jefferson Agricultural Institute founder Dr. Rob Myers made the announcement as co-chair of the campaign with Donald Danforth Plant Science Center President Roger Beachy. “Scientists sometimes have differences of opinion, but this declaration is intended to show the broad consensus among scientists about the benefits of biodiesel,” Myers said. “Our goal is to increase awareness and information sharing about the depth and breadth of the scientific research behind biodiesel that contributes to its sustainability.” The declaration also calls for more investment into the scientific needs associated with this vital bioenergy source.

By visiting, scientists can share information about their work and sign the declaration which says in part, “Biodiesel from a variety of feedstocks can meet contemporary needs for environmental stewardship, economic prosperity, and quality of life without compromising the ability of future generations to meet these needs for themselves.”

Listen to Myers read the declaration here: [audio:]

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