By a margin of 2 to 1, American voters believe increasing the use of renewable fuels like ethanol should continue, according to a new poll conducted by the Democratic firm of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and the Republican firm Public Opinion Strategies.
The survey of 1,200 registered voters conducted June 23 – July 1 also revealed that nearly half of Americans believe that skyrocketing gasoline and fuel prices are the factors most responsible for rising food prices.
According to the survey, asked if they favor or oppose continuing to increase use of ethanol, 59 percent come out in favor, while just 30 percent opposed. Support is even higher (63 percent) among environmentalists. “Men and women, older voters and younger voters, high school educated and college graduates, and voters from all regions in the country support this alternative fuel,” said the survey analysis. Most impressive, however, is that both Democrats and Republicans polled agree on the increased use of ethanol.
The survey was commissioned by the Renewable Fuels Association. “Overwhelming broad, bipartisan support for increasing the use of ethanol clearly shows that coordinated efforts designed to demonize American farmers and ethanol producers are not having the desired affect,” said RFA president Bob Dinneen. “Americans see through the smoke and mirrors, weigh the merits of both sides, and conclude that ethanol is an important component of our nation’s energy future.”