Clean Fuels Conference 202

EPIC Steps Up to Take Charge of Ethanol

John Davis

The Ethanol Promotion and Information Council is the organization that takes charge of educating consumers about ethanol. Just last month, the young non-profit held it’s first ever annual meeting, where new ideas were presented, new members were elected and new goals were set.

e-podcastEPIC executive Director Toni Nuernberg says EPIC has already achieved much success in its first two years, but the organization is charged for even greater success to come. She says it’s time for EPIC to no longer just respond to the debate about ethanol, but become proactive, get out front and change the debate. EPIC board members new and experienced agree.

The podcast is available to download by subscription (see our sidebar link) or you can listen to it by clicking here (4:00 MP3 File):

The Fill Up, Feel Good theme music is “Tribute to Joe Satriani” by Alan Renkl, thanks to the Podsafe Music Network.

“Fill up, Feel Good” is sponsored by the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council.

Audio, EPIC, Ethanol, Fill Up Feel Good, News