Clean Fuels Conference 202

UPI Energy LP Opens Third E85 Station in Canada

UPI UPI Energy LP in Ontario recently opened the third E85 station in Canada. The station is located at 685558 Highway #2/Oxford Road #2 in Woodstock, Ontario.

General Motors (GM) is the country’s largest manufacturer of E85 compatible vehicles in Canada. “GM welcomes the news of UPI’s E85 Launch in Woodstock and commends the fuel retailer for expanding the availability of this green fuel in Ontario,” said David Paterson, Vice President Corporate and Environmental Activities for General Motors of Canada. “In order to significantly reduce vehicle greenhouse gases in Canada, it is imperative to not only offer motorists greener vehicle technologies, but also make available green energy alternatives, such as E85 fuel.”

UPI Energy was referred to as “stewards of the environment” by the city’s mayor for their leadership in environmentally safe fuels.

“UPI continuously strives to bring innovative products to the market and to position itself as a leader in the advancement of renewable fuels. We believe the addition of E85 biofuel accomplishes that and paves the way for a greener tomorrow involving the expansion of environmentally friendlier energy products and a future less dependent on non-renewable oil,” said Robert Sicard, UPI’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “In the next six to twelve months, UPI plans to further expand the availability of E85 by offering it at two more of its sites in Ontario.”

Other E85 fueling locations in Canada include Chatham EnviroStation in Chatham and Topia GreenStop in Ottawa, Ontario.

Car Makers, E85, Environment, Ethanol, Facilities, News