Good Fuels Offers Good News About Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

GoodFuelsA new website has been launched to focus on the positive impacts of biofuels on the economy, the environment and America in general. is “for” clean energy, domestic energy production, fair reporting and balanced research. What they are against is unbalanced reporting, misleading research, relying on imported fuel and vilifying the American farmer. seeks to provide a thoughtful and comprehensive discussion of all the issues surrounding biofuels and their important role in our energy future, as well as be a resource for information, news and research pertaining to developments in biofuels.

The website was launched by the Renewable Fuels Association as a way to publicize good news about biofuels and try and combat some of the negative and misleading information circulating in the general media and on-line.

Ethanol, News, RFA