Clean Fuels Conference 202

$2.5 Million Grant Goes to Florida Wind Project

John Davis

fpl_logo.gifFlorida Power and Light has picked up a $2.5 million state grant to help build a major wind power plant.

This story on has more details:

FPL wants to place six turbines on its own land at the St. Lucie Nuclear Plant and three on state owned land managed by the county at Blind Creek Park. The FPL Project, called “St. Lucie Wind” in the grant paperwork, was one of eight projects out of 139 proposals to get money from the state Department of Environmental Protection.

“We applaud Gov. (Charlie) Crist and the state of Florida for their commitment to addressing the important challenge of developing new renewable energy sources,” said FPL spokeswoman Amy Brunjes in a statement. “Irrespective of the specifics regarding any particular project, we know that many renewable energy projects will be needed to achieve our goals as a state.”

The $2.5 million award was the maximum amount possible through the Renewable Energy Technologies Grant Program, designed to encourage renewable energy projects involving solar, hydrogen, wind and other technologies. The wind turbine project is estimated to cost about $60.8 million.
