Clean Fuels Conference 202

Ethanol Outlook for 2008

Cindy Zimmerman

2008 could be an even better year than 2007 for the ethanol industry.

That’s the outlook of Renewable Fuels Association president Bob Dinneen. In the first “Ethanol Report” podcast for 2008, Dinneen gazes into his crystal ball and sees blue skies and big challenges for the ethanol industry this year.

Bob Dinneen“I think we will continue to see dramatic growth in ethanol production here at home and abroad as well,” said Dinneen. “You’re going to see ethanol used in parts of the country where it really has not been used much before.”

The challenges are going to come in meeting the targets of the recently passed energy bill, especially in commercializing cellulosic ethanol.

“It’s not going to be easy, we’re going to be working awfully hard,” but he says it will ultimately result in tremendous benefits for rural economies and the nation’s consumers.

The presidential elections will be the main focus this year, but Dinneen says ethanol is a bipartisan issue that is supported by all the candidates who are learning more about it as they campaign around the Midwest. “There really is not a single candidate that has failed to express support for increasing the production and use of renewable fuels like ethanol,” Dinneen said. “They all get it.”

Listen to RFA’s “The Ethanol Report” podcast here – Ethanol Report on 2008 Outlook Or subscribe to it on “The Ethanol Report” blog.

Audio, Ethanol, News, RFA