Clean Fuels Conference 202

Latest Ethanol Figures

Cindy Zimmerman

RFAEthanol production continued to grow in July, averaging 421,000 barrels per day, according to the Energy Information Administration. Ethanol demand, as calculated by the Renewable Fuels Association, also increased to 446,000 barrels per day.

RFA reports that, so far this year, the U.S. is averaging 399,000 b/d with average demand exceeding production at nearly 425,000 b/d.

Currently, 130 ethanol biorefineries nationwide have a capacity to produce more than 6.8 billion gallons annually. Additionally, 76 biorefineries are under construction and 10 are expanding which will add more than 6.7 billion gallons of new production capacity by 2010.

Ethanol, News, RFA