The board of directors for the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) has unanimously elected Chris Standlee, Executive Vice President of Abengoa Bioenergy in Chesterfield, Missouri, as chairman. He succeeds Ron Miller, President and CEO of Aventine Renewable Holdings, Inc., in the position.
“It is an honor to be elected chairman of the RFA,” said Standlee. “For more than 26 years, the RFA has worked tirelessly to ensure proper policies and markets are in place to develop a robust U.S. ethanol industry and the results speak for themselves. I intend to work equally as hard to follow the precedent set by Ron Miller and keep our industry on an upward path.”
During a meeting this week in Washington, DC the RFA board honored Ron Miller for his service as chairman of the RFA. Aventine is one of the oldest members of the RFA and Miller has held the position of chairman on three different occasions, most recently from 2005-2007.
RFA also elected other new officers during the board meeting.
Vice Chairman – Tom Branhan of Glacial Lakes Energy, LLC in Watertown, SD
Treasurer – Nate Kimpel of New Energy Corp. in South Bend, IN
Secretary – Jeff Broin of POET, Sioux Falls, SD
Bob Dinneen remains president of RFA, which represents more than 80 percent of the ethanol produced in the U.S. To qualify as a Board member, the company must be an ethanol producer.