Clean Fuels Conference 202

Ryan Hunter-Reay Embraces Ethanol

John Davis

Gas City lowers prices of E10 and E85 fuelI think it’s safe to say that all of us a part of the ZimmComm Media crew have been eager to meet ethanol’s new driver Ryan Hunter-Reay and hear what he has to say about driving with Team Ethanol. I lucked out and got to be the first one of the ZimmComm bunch to introduce myself to the Indy Driver. Ryan stressed the importance of brining ethanol education to the community, and he says that consumer education starts at the pump.

You can listen to my interview with Ryan here:

Peak Antifreeze Indy 300 Photo Album

Audio, E85, EPIC, Ethanol, Flex Fuel Vehicles, Indy Racing, News, Promotion, Racing