Clean Fuels Conference 202

E is Indy

Cindy Zimmerman

e-podcast The slogan for the Indy Racing League is “I am Indy,” and that’s especially true for ethanol producers who are proud to be a part of this great sport.

This month’s “Fill up, Feel Good” features comments from Tom Branhan of Glacial Lakes Energy, Don Endres of VeraSun Energy, Todd Lucey of Endress+Hauser, Team Ethanol car driver Jeff Simmons, and the widow of the first Team Ethanol car driver.

The “Fill up, Feel Good” podcast is available to download by subscription (see our sidebar link)
or you can listen to it by clicking here (5:30 MP3 File): [audio:]

The Fill Up, Feel Good theme music is “Tribute to Joe Satriani” by Alan Renkl, thanks to the Podsafe Music Network.

“Fill up, Feel Good” is sponsored by the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council.

Audio, EPIC, Ethanol, Fill Up Feel Good, Indy Racing, News, Racing