Clean Fuels Conference 202

Gas America Pump Promotion

Chuck Zimmerman

Gas America Pump PromotionIt was a long day out at the Gas America ethanol pump promotion today. Here’s Team Ethanol car driver Jeff Simmons entertaining representatives from Gas America. On the right is Laura Dolenz, Gas America Marketing Director. I interviewed her about the promotion and how and why they decided to put this event on today.

Laura says that Gas America has a real commitment to renewable fuels like ethanol and has had it included in their gas since 1980. She says they just never promoted that fact until now. She credits the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council with approaching them to see if they would be interested in doing this promotion. I interviewed her early before the gas pumps started but she was already very pleased with the way things were going.

You can listen to my interview with Laura here: [audio:]

Many of the pictures that Laura McNamara and I are taking here this week are being put into an online photo album which you can find using the following link:

2007 Indy 500 Photo Album

Audio, EPIC, Ethanol, Indy Racing, News, Promotion