European biodiesel makers are crying foul over U.S. subsidies to biodiesel exporters.
According to this story posted on, the folks from across the pond are talking about a World Trade Organization investigation and retaliatory tariffs being put on U.S. biodiesel sent to Europe.
According to European media reports, the subsidy allows U.S. exporters to undercut European rivals by at least a quarter, forcing many to cut production and sell at a loss. The US “B99” subsidy is controversial because it benefits exporters. In most of Europe, tax breaks are available only at the point of sale.
The story goes on to say that the big oil companies cashing in on the credit, which irks the National Biodiesel Board as well (see my posts from April 18th – NBB Blasts Conoco/Tyson Biodiesel Plans, April 20th – Dems Also Irked Over Conoco/Tyson Biodiesel Plans, and April 25th – NBB Fights Tax Incentive Abuse), is only making the situation worse.