Clean Fuels Conference 202

A Snappy Pump Promotion

Chuck Zimmerman

Ken Suter and Jeff SimmonsIt’s time for another Indy race. This time in Kansas City. It’ll be the Kansas Lottery Indy 300 this Sunday. This morning though the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council put on another pump promotion at the Snappy Store downtown. Pictured here are Snappy Stores owner, Ken Suter (left), and Jeff Simmons, Team Ethanol driver. They’re posing next to the new Team Ethanol show car which is looking pretty slick.

I’m putting all my photos through the weekend into an online photo album for you. Please feel free to visit: 2007 Kansas Lottery Indy 300 Photo Album

It was a cool, brisk day but the cars lined up to get gas at $2.14/gallon containing 10% ethanol. The price was set by the top qualifying speed at last year’s race. I had a conversation with Ken about the promotion he was running here at the store and what he thought about the work that EPIC is doing. He says that ethanol has been a big boost to his business.

Listen to my interview with Ken: Listen to MP3 Ken Suter Interview (3 min MP3)

Audio, EPIC, News, Promotion