Coral Cables Going Green

John Davis

Coral Gables truck The City of Coral Gables, Florida will be the first city in South Florida to use biodiesel in the city’s vehicle fleet.

According to a city press release, Coral Gables has inked an agreement with SolarDiesel Corp. to test 20% biodiesel in the city’s trucks.

“Coral Gables continues to be a leader and on the cutting edge of providing municipal services. This new initiative, part of the greening effort, is so important to the environment in today’s world,” says City Manager David L. Brown. “We are proud to be the first here in South Florida to partner in a pilot program with SolarDiesel Corporation.”

The city will track the biodiesel in three vehicles for 60 days. If it works out, Coral Gables may increase the number of trucks under the program for six months.
