Clean Fuels Conference 202

Rep. Hulshof’s Capitol Hill View

Chuck Zimmerman

Rep. Kenny HulshofCongressman from Missouri, Kenny Hulshof, (R-MO) was on stage today at the National Ethanol Conference as part of the session on how things look on Capitol Hill for the 110th Congress.

Hulshof said that he might get in trouble as a Republican by saying it, but he said that he thinks agriculture will fare well with Rep. Peterson at the helm of the House Agriculture Committee.

Hulshof urged attendees to make their voice known and take advantage of the accessibility of their elected leaders. He’s excited about a resurgence in rural America.

You can listen to his remarks here: Listen to MP3 File Rep. Kenny Hulshof Remarks (14 min MP3)

Audio, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, News