Clean Fuels Conference 202

Understanding Alternative Fuels Policy Proposal

Chuck Zimmerman

Hon. Stephen JohnsonHere at the National Ethanol Conference we got some policy information you might find helpful to understand the President’s proposal on alternative fuels. With policy playing such an important role in the growth and development of the ethanol industry it was necessary to get the perspective from one of the government agencies that has a significant role in regulation.

To do that we heard from the Honorable Stephen Johnson, Administrator, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.

He talks about President Bush’s 20-in-10 plan, to reduce domestic gasoline usage 20% by the year 2010. The plan calls for increased levels of renewable fuels. He says he’ll be working with Congress to pass the President’s Alternative Fuels Proposal.

You can listen to his speech here: Listen to MP3 File Hon. Stephen Johnson Speech (12 min MP3)

Follow all the proceedings of the conference on the National Ethanol Conference blog.

Audio, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, News