Clean Fuels Conference 202

Maryland’s Commitment to Domestic Fuel

Cindy Zimmerman

Maryland The state of Maryland is not towing the “Old Line” when it comes to new fuels.

Last week, the first E85 station opened in Baltimore – although it’s only for state vehicles and non-profits, according to an article in the Examiner. State officials want motorists to start thinking about using alternative fuels, said Michael Li, chief of staff at the Maryland Energy Administration.

Last month, the first biodiesel plant opened in Berlin, MD, operated by Maryland Biodiesel and earlier this month Maryland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., outlined his plans to increase Maryland’s access to renewable energy sources and decrease its reliance on fossil fuels and natural gas.

The plan “will boost Maryland’s use of biofuels and biomass, such as animal manure and underutilized wood resources, and provide incentives for the use of renewable electricity, including solar and wind resources.”

Biodiesel, Energy, Ethanol, Government