Clean Fuels Conference 202

Ethanol Truck On Display

Chuck Zimmerman

Ethanol TruckHello from Reno, NV. This is our first stopping point on the road to Washington, DC. It’s been a great day for the kickoff of the AASHTO Celebrate The Interstate Convoy.

Here’s my ride. This truck actually belongs to Ethanol Promotion and Information Council Executive Director, Tom Slunecka. He had it specially wrapped for this trip and it arrived last night. Thank you brother Alan!

Here you see it on display at this morning’s kickoff celebration in Lincoln Park in San Francisco. This was mostly a media event but we did have members of the public attend. Many stopped by the truck for information about ethanol and all were supportive in their comments.

Domestic Fuel coverage and participation in the AASHTO Interstate 50th Convoy is sponsored by the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council.

EPIC, Ethanol