Clean Fuels Conference 202

The Ethanol Sprint King

Chuck Zimmerman

Steve King & ParentsAt Ethanol Day in Indianapolis recently, Steve King, sprint car driver, was there to help promote the alternative fuel. He brought his number 88 for us to see. Steve is pictured to the right of his parents, Danny & Naomi.

I interviewed Steve while we had a relatively quiet moment (there’s usually never a quiet moment at the speedway). Steve says he began using ethanol about 5 years ago. He grows his own fuel as a farmer, including having a feedlot. He says they use a blend of ethanol that allows him to load less fuel at the beginning of a race and that gives him a competitive advantage.

You can listen to my interview with Steve here: Listen To MP3 Steve King Interview (3 min MP3)

Audio, EPIC, Ethanol, Racing