Coast to Coast Ethanol Plant News

Cindy Zimmerman

US BioEnergy and Big River Resources of West Burlington, IA are joining forces to build a 100 million gallon per year (mgy) dry grind ethanol facility near Grinnell, Iowa, according to a company release.

A proposed Florida ethanol plant is facing opposition, according to an article on The proposed $80 million plant, a project of Gate Petroleum in Jacksonville, would use corn from the midwest.

A 40 million gallon a year plant is opening this week near Kodak, Colorado. According to this article in The Coloradoan, the plant will rely on corn delivered by rail.

Here’s an article from Fort about the race to build ethanol plants in Indiana. According to the story, at least nine more ethanol plants could join the two already operating and six under construction in Indiana.

Pacific Ethanol is moving ahead with plans to build its second West coast plant in Oregon. The 35 million gallon per year ethanol facility will be located on the Columbia River near Boardman, Oregon.

Ethanol, Facilities