The Truth About Ethanol press conference today (see previous post) lasted nearly an entire hour and included questions from media such as UPI, Chicago Tribune, Inside US Trade, Des Moines Register, Inside Washington, and Congress Daily as well as a number of farm journalists, although not as many as I would have expected. Bob, Bob and Jon did a pretty darn good job fielding some tough questions about the Brazilian tariff, in particular. It was the first question that was asked, in fact – do you think there will be a major legislative effort to remove the tariff? NCGA’s Jon Doggett answered simply, “No, I don’t.” When asked to elaborate, he said there are a lot of things congress won’t get done this year and this is on that list. RFA’s Bob Dinneen was a little more specific, “I don’t think there’ll be a successful effort to lift the tariff. The fact of the matter is, it’s not necessary.” Listen to the first Q and A of the Truth press conference here.
Like I said, this conference was almost an hour long, so I will break it down into smaller bites to feed over the next few days.