Clean Fuels Conference 202

Some Cross Country Pics

Cindy Zimmerman

ICare Iowa 1 Here’s some more pictures to go with the posts we have been receiving from the E85 Cross Country trip. These go with the Day 3 post when the team stopped in their home state of Iowa. They got lots of media attention there and switched out some team members so more students could take advantage of the opportunity to go coast-to-coast on E85 and “see the USA in a Flex-Fuel Chevrolet!”ICare Iowa 2
KCCI Channel 8 News was there to do a live broadcast, as well as the Fort Dodge Messenger, and the Farm Bureau Spokesman. We talked to Van and Bonnie of WHO radio, Doug Cooper on WOI radio news show, and KJAN radio in Atlantic, via cell phone. Sponsors that were in attendance to the fill up in Ankeny were the American Lung Association, National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition, Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, Representatives from General Motors, and Karl Chevrolet. Senator Beall from Fort Dodge, Iowa paid for the fuel and filled the Avalanche’s tank.
Thanks to Jessica Zopf with the American Lung Association of Iowa for sending the pictures!

Ethanol, Flex Fuel Vehicles