A biodiesel-powered Volkswagen Golf TDI named “Tori” paid a visit to the offices of the National Biodiesel Board in Jefferson City, MO this week. Tori also brought engineer Oliver Wegener and driver Jon Hamilton (pictured) along for the ride, as well as crew member Daniel Sycks (not pictured). They will constitute the only diesel vehicle entry in Friday and Saturday’s 100 Acre Wood Rally race in Salem, Mo. According to information from the NBB, RallyVW is based out of Ohio and has received international press coverage for racing not only a diesel car, but a diesel car on B20 biodiesel. RallyVW’s record-setting car has garnered the honors of current Pike’s Peak international holder for diesel powered auto and the 2002 production class national champion. The crew told the NBB staff they strive to promote biodiesel every step of the way. All of RallyVW’s crew drive biodiesel powered personal vehicles.