The Soybean Checkoff has helped grow the biodiesel industry to where it is today and they want to ensure continued growth by ensuring the quality of the product. To that end, the checkoff-funded National Biodiesel Board has formed the National Biodiesel Accreditation Commission (NBAC), which developed and implemented a voluntary industry quality-control program known as BQ-9000. The United Soybean Board sent a release out about it this week providing information about the program. (link to release)
Quality standards in the BQ-9000 program are based on the American Standard for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D-6751 Specification for Biodiesel Fuel (B100, 100 percent biodiesel) Blend Stock for Distillate Fuels. ASTM specifications are used to ensure the quality standards of petroleum diesel, gasoline and even ethanol. Americans rely on these specifications every day and now that same confidence can be found in biodiesel carrying the ASTM D-6751 standard.
“We strongly encourage all biodiesel manufacturers to become accredited by participating in the BQ-9000 program,” says NBB Chairman Darryl Brinkmann, a soybean farmer from Carlyle, Ill. “This will help ensure fuel quality and the great engine performance that I and the millions of other diesel users have come to expect from biodiesel.”
There is a website for the program – – where marketers can get more information.
There was a pre-conference session devoted to BQ-9000 at the recent National Biodiesel Conference in San Diego. Here is a link to stories on the Biodiesel Conference Blog that include an interview with Leland Tong of Marc IV Consulting, which is helping to coordinate this program