Any kid between 7th and 12th grade who can complete a 450 word essay on alternative fuels from agriculture and get it sent in before the deadline on February 15 could win $1000. It’s the National Ag Day contest and I was remiss in not posting this last week when I saw it, since the theme is “Growing our energy: Alternative fuels from agriculture.” So, the deadline is now literally just around the corner – well, more like on the doorstep at this point. Besides the $1000, the winning essay writer will receive a trip to Washington DC and recognition during the National Ag Day Luncheon at the National Press Club. According to information from the Ag Day website: At the luncheon, the winning essayist will have the opportunity to join with industry representatives, members of Congress, federal agency representatives, media and other friends in a celebration of agriculture. Statewide winners of the contest will also be selected. Each will receive a $100 prize.
All entries should be sent to: Ag Day Essay Contest (MC), 1201 NW Briarcliff Pkwy., Ste. 200, Kansas City, MO 64116, or