Every single news story that I read or heard about the president’s speech last night focused on his remarks about ethanol and it seemed to be overwhelmingly positive. Even the Democratic response to the address from brand new Virginia Governor Tim Kaine seemed to agree with Bush on this point, sort of. “When it comes to energy, Americans are using more than ever, paying more for it, and are more dependent on the Middle East than ever before. There’s a better way. Last summer, I joined Democrats in Washington and in other states in calling on oil companies to share in our sacrifice and return some of their record-breaking excess profits. Democrats at both the state and national levels are leading the way on energy reforms, calling for greater public investments for alternative, advanced energy technologies. These investments will promote energy independence, boost our nation’s economy, create jobs, and strengthen national security.”Automotive News noted some reaction that the plan was “too little and too long term.” Global reaction was mixed according to an Associated Press story which includes negative comments from France and OPEC – no surprises there.
Read more about the Advanced Energy Initiative that the president announced last night.