It seems that ethanol is a recurring theme in State of the State addresses this year. The latest is Governor Jim Doyle of Wisconsin, where lawmakers are considering a 10 percent ethanol mandate for the state. Governor Doyle said in his speech yesterday that the state must reduce its dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels by getting ten percent of its energy from renewable sources by the year 2015.
“It’s an ambitious goal, but it’s the right goal and we should settle for nothing less,” said the governor. “I urge you to pass the bill without watering it down and without delay.” He added that, “Ethanol is clean, it’s renewable, it’s less expensive, it helps Wisconsin farmers, and it reduces the demand for foreign oil. Let’s pass this bill, because America ought to be more dependent on the Midwest, and not the Mideast.” Support is growing for the measure, especially since next-door neighbor Minnesota just increased its mandate from 10 to 20 percent, but there are still some nay-sayers like State Senator Neal Kedzie of Elkhorn who claims a mandate goes against fair market practices. A public hearing on the ethanol measure was held today in Madison.