Clean Fuels Conference 202


Cindy Zimmerman

EPIC The Ethanol Promotion and Information Council – or EPIC – is pleased with the success of it’s ethanol awareness campaign conducted last fall in Wichita, KS. (see previous post) EPIC Executive Director Tom Sluneka calls the results of the campaign “outstanding.” “Our partner in Wichita-Hutchinson market was Kwik Shop, and their stores branded ethanol with our E-logo. At that point in time they saw a 42.8 percent increase of sales to branded ethanol over regular fuel. This is a dramatic increase and our partners there were very excited to see those types of results at their stores.” Conversely, ethanol-enriched fuel sales at Kansas Kwik Shops located outside the promotion area accounted for just 22 percent of the total during the same period. This marks nearly a 100 percent increase in ethanol sales between the two sets of stores. Prior to the EPIC promotion efforts, sales of ethanol-enriched fuel inside and outside the promotion area were nearly identical. (full release)
One of the ways EPIC promoted ethanol at the Kwik Shops was to give away their E-logo magnets to motorists who filled up with an ethanol-blend – as you can see in the picture.

Ethanol, Promotion