Clean Fuels Conference 202

World Ethanol Analysis Available From JJ&A

Chuck Zimmerman

Jim Jordon & AssociatesA study was just released recently showing how valuable ethanol is as a fuel source.

Jim Jordan & Associates (JJ&A), recently completed a new Ethanol study, assessing Fuel Ethanol’s increasingly important component of the World’s transportation fuel supply.

This Study has been designed to provide background information and useful market observations to participants in the Industry, in Gasoline production and distribution and to Government personnel involved in guiding the use of ethanol. In this Study, we have assembled a highly detailed picture of the ethanol industry, by plant and by location. We have related this to an
equally detailed description of the gasoline supply chains. This is presented in detail with descriptive material to give the reader a clear understanding of the problems and opportunities facing the industry.

For more information about the World Ethanol Analysis contact: Mr. Ed Swinderman at JJ&A, 12941 North Freeway suite 226, Houston, Texas, 77060 U.S.A. Tel: 281-877-7009.

Miscellaneous, Research