Water Power

Cindy Zimmerman

A friend of mine sent me this news video about running cars on water. Water Fuel (WMV file) It’s pretty amazing. This would be the ultimate domestic fuel. The company is Hydrogen Technology Applications and they call it the Hybrid Hydrogen Oxygen System (HHOS). Interesting.

Hydrogen, Miscellaneous

Ethanol-to-Hydrogen Pathway Explored

Cindy Zimmerman

The potential to develop the ethanol-to-hydrogen energy pathway is now being explored through the Upper Midwest Hydrogen Initiative, a public-private partnership run under the auspices of the Great Plains Institute in Minneapolis, according to an article on the Minnesota Corn Growers Association website. UMHI was formed to bring fuel cell technology into use in Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, the Dakotas and …

Ethanol, Hydrogen

First Fuel Cell Police Car

Cindy Zimmerman

Wayne State University in Detroit is the proud owner of the world’s first fuel cell-powered police car introduced this week by DaimlerChrysler. According to their release, the Wayne State University Police Department will operate the Mercedes F-Cell as a supervisor’s vehicle on and in the immediate vicinity of the campus, located in Detroit’s Cultural Center. Outfitted with a third-generation police …
