Wilie Nelson will help SeQuential Biofuels celebrate its second anniversary of biodiesel production at an event tomorrow morning (July 6th) at 10:30 at the SeQuential-Pacific Biodiesel plant in Salem, Oregon.
This company press release points out that SeQuential is Oregon’s first and only commercial biodiesel production facility and only the second in the entire Pacific Northwest:
“Oregon has always been progressive in its thinking, and has been out front in every way about most major issues. This is just another example of Oregon setting a good example for the rest of the country,” said Nelson.
In December of 2006, the City of Portland became the first U.S. city to adopt a Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS). To encourage energy independence and to help reduce the impact of climate change. By November 1, 2007 all on-road gasoline sold within city limits will contain 10% ethanol and all on-road diesel will contain 5% biodiesel. The Portland ordinance expands Oregon’s annual market for biodiesel from four million to eight million gallons per year.
Of course, Willie Nelson is no red-headed stranger to biodiesel. He has his own line of the green fuel, named BioWillie, and runs his tour buses on 100% biodiesel.
Here’s a picture of the crew from SeQuential from their web site. Happy 2nd Birthday, gang!