Clean Fuels Conference 202

ND Farm Couple Makes ACE Fly-in a Priority

Cindy Zimmerman

Pam and Mike Clemens with Sen. Heidi Heitkamp

Husband and wife farmers Mike and Pam Clemens from North Dakota spent last week in Washington DC with the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

Mike says ethanol is very important to their family farm in the tiny town of Wimbledon. “It really has changed over the last 20 years when we used to grow just wheat and barley and now we switched to corn and beans and ethanol fits right in as a market for us,” he said.

Pam says her story when she visits Congressional offices is that ethanol has had such a positive impact on their operation and their community that three of their five grown children have returned to the farm. “To have five children and have 3 of the 5 that come back with such gusto and excitement is the reason I want them to hear that message,” she said. “We got to plant more corn because of the ethanol plants going up and all of that excitement brought them back.”

The Clemens’ have been to about four of the ten ACE Fly-ins so far and they strongly encourage others to join the effort. Listen to my interview with them here:

Interview with Mike and Pam Clemens at ACE fly-in

2018 ACE DC Fly-in Photo Album

ACE, Audio, corn, Ethanol