Biodiesel Love in the Air at Iowa’s Capitol

Cindy Zimmerman

Members and supporters of the Iowa Biodiesel Board wore “I heart biodiesel” pins as they met with state legislators and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds on Wednesday for the annual Biodiesel Day on the Hill. The group tied the message of how much biodiesel gives back to Iowa to the Valentine’s Day date of their visit.

“We love that Iowa is the top biodiesel-producing state, and we’re grateful that the feeling seems to be mutual,” said Grant Kimberley, Iowa Biodiesel Board executive director. “Our proactive state biodiesel policies have driven increased production and consumption in Iowa, benefiting our economy—which means jobs for Iowans and enhanced success for farmers.”

The group is asking legislators and the governor to protect state tax incentives that encourage biodiesel production and sales during tight budget times. They also hope to see continued fully funding of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Program. More than 500 retail stations and terminals have begun to carry biodiesel since the program began. In 2017, Iowa’s biodiesel plants produced an estimated 285 million gallons of biodiesel, generating about 3,000 full-time equivalent jobs and $278 million in household income, according to a study by ABF Economics.
