Military Vets Urge Trump to Add Biofuels to Energy Plan

Cindy Zimmerman

Military veterans involved in the biofuels industry, like East Kansas Agri-Energy (EKAE) President and CEO Jeff Oestmann, are requesting that the Commander-in-Chief deploy the use of ethanol and other renewable fuels in the fight to make America First in energy.

“Missing from the president’s (America First Energy) plan is any mention of ethanol or biofuels in general – we are seeking to change that,” said Oestmann, who served in the Marines, during the opening general session of the National Ethanol Conference yesterday. He and other U.S. military veterans working in the ethanol industry drafted a letter to President Trump to remind him that “ethanol is a crucial domestic energy source that plays an important role in reducing oil imports.”

Oestmann says nine of the 52 employees at EKAE are veterans, as are a good percentage of the attendees at the conference who were asked to stand – including Geoff Cooper and Robert White with the Renewable Fuels Association. “Working and investing in the ethanol industry allows us to continue honoring our commitment to making America stronger and more independent,” said Oestmann, encouraging all veterans present to sign the letter to President Trump during the conference at the RFA booth.

Listen to Oestmann (Oohrah!) here: EKAE CEO Jeff Oestmann at #RFANEC

National Ethanol Conference photo album

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA