President Trump Sends Greetings to #RFANEC

Cindy Zimmerman

President Donald Trump sent greetings to National Ethanol Conference attendees this week and his regrets that he could not attend.

In a letter to the NEC read by Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen, President Trump reiterated his unwavering support for ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard.

“Rest assured that your president and this administration values the importance of renewable fuels to America’s economy and to our energy independence. As I emphasized throughout my campaign, renewable fuels are essential to America’s energy strategy,” Trump wrote.

“As important as ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard are to rural economies, I also know that your industry has suffered from overzealous, job-killing regulation. I am committed to reducing the regulatory burden on all businesses, and my team is looking forward to working with the Renewable Fuels Association, and many others, to identify and reform those regulations that impede growth, increase consumer costs, and eliminate good-paying jobs without providing sufficient environmental or public health benefit,” Trump added.

Listen to Dinneen read Trump’s letter: Trump letter to #RFANEC

National Ethanol Conference photo album

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA