Clean Fuels Conference 202

New Biodiesel Board in Place

Cindy Zimmerman

nbb-board-17Members of the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) members selected their leadership this week, electing six returning governing board members and one new member to serve in leadership roles, joining new NBB CEO Donnell Rehagen in moving the organization forward.

NBB members voted to fill seven board member spots:
• Greg Anderson, Nebraska Soybean Board
• Jennifer Case, New Leaf Biofuel, LLC
• Mike Cunningham, ASA
• Tim Keaveney, Hero BX
• Steven J. Levy, Sprague Operating Resources
• Mike Rath, Darling Ingredients, Inc.
• Ben Wooton, World Energy

Kent Engelbrecht, Ron Heck, Ed Hegland, Ron Marr, Steve Nogel, Amy Sigg Davis, Robert Stobaugh, and Chad Stone also continue to serve on the Governing Board. The board also took the opportunity to elect officers with Kent Englebrecht serving as the new chairman, Mike Cunningham as Vice Chairman, Greg Anderson as Treasurer and Chad Stone as Secretary.

“The biodiesel industry is fortunate to have a strong team of leaders from all sectors of the industry,” said Rehagen. “The membership is united, optimistic, and will continue to grow into the future under the direction of the board.” During the annual fall membership meeting NBB members discussed a number of important topics including the current state of federal policies impacting the industry, held meetings of standing committees, and began the annual program planning process.

Biodiesel, NBB