Middle school division winners of Amerigreen’s student essay contest on energy solutions for the future. Photo: Amerigreen Energy
Students of all ages were able to voice their ideas on America’s energy future in AMERIgreen Energy’s Video Essay Challenge. Students ranging in grades 1st-12th, as well as undergraduate college students submitted 30 second videos focused on one of two question prompts related to what is the best energy source for the future.
Winners were chosen by the most online votes and audience likes with high school and undergraduate college students vying for a chance to win scholarships while elementary and middle schoolers were eligible for special location packs. AMERIgreen’s 100% American fuel dealers assisted in getting the word out to drive more views and votes online.
“We were so impressed with the video submissions from students – they were extremely passionate, creative and you could tell they had done a lot of research to get the facts right! They made us really encouraged and hopeful, ” said Steve McCracken, AMERIgreen CEO of Energy Services. “We also want to thank our 100% American fuel dealers that garnered community support from area schools, teachers and customers to encourage students to enter the contest.”
1st Place (tie), Winner of $2,000 College Scholarship, Lexy from Manheim, PA.
Lexy’s video focused on the future of U.S. energy, and what part biofuels plays in that picture. She referenced biofuels’ domestic sources, reduced emissions and opportunity to create a better future for the next generation.
1st Place (tie), Winner of $2,000 College Scholarship, Alexandra from Malvern, PA.
Alex’s video depicted a world of clean, renewable alternative fuels for our energy future. She emphasizes that when one person cares and works to make a difference it matters – and the choice begins with you.
3rd Place, Winner of $500 College Scholarship, Injee from Belle Mead, NJ
Injee’s video focused on biofuels as a renewable energy source with many new feedstocks in development, and it is a secure energy source for generations to come.