RFA on First Panel at EPA Hearing

Chuck Zimmerman

Bob DinneenOver 100 biofuels supporters are in Kansas City this morning for another public hearing on the EPA’s proposed volume obligations under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).

Up on the first panel was Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) president and CEO Bob Dinneen who woke everyone up with a strongly worded message to EPA.

“We encourage EPA to truly put the RFS ‘back on track’ and finalize the 2017 conventional renewable fuel renewable volume obligation (RVO) at the 15-billion-gallon statutory level. EPA’s proposed rule for the 2017 RVOs marks an improvement over the final rule for 2014-2016 RVOs, but it ultimately falls victim to the same legal malady that plagued your last rulemaking,” Dinneen testified. “Simply put, EPA continues to allege that ‘supply’ somehow equates to the capacity to distribute or consume renewable fuels. However, the statute does not allow EPA to consider imagined constraints on distribution when deciding whether to utilize a general waiver of the volumes. The intent of Congress was abundantly clear: if the physical supply of renewable fuel exists to satisfy statutory volumes, then EPA must enforce the consumption of those volumes. And it is beyond dispute that the industry is providing an adequate supply to meet the statutory mandate for conventional biofuels.”

Listen to Dinneen’s full testimony statement here: PlayRFA CEO Bob Dinneen EPA hearing testimony

Coverage of EPA RFS Hearing made possible by Coverage of EPA RFS Hearing made possible by Renewable Fuels Association
advanced biofuels, Audio, biofuels, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA, RFS