Clean Fuels Conference 202

Donnelly ‘Friend of Farmers’ for Support of Ethanol

John Davis

in-corn-donnellyA U.S. senator’s support of ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard has garnered him the inaugural “Friend of Farmers” Award from the Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indiana Corn Growers Association. This news release says Sen. Joe Donnelly was recognized for his unwavering support of Indiana farmers’ policy efforts.

The Friend of Farmers Award was established by ICGA’s Board of Directors and ISA’s Membership and Policy Committee to recognize a public official at the state, federal, or local level who advocates for agriculture.

“Senator Donnelly has been among the top supporters of ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard of anyone in Washington,” said Mike Nichols, a farmer from Spencer County and president of the Indiana Corn Growers Association. “At a time when big oil is funneling millions of dollars to kill this law that increased demand for the corn we grow, reduces our dependence on foreign oil, and promotes rural economic development, Senator Donnelly has stood strong for Indiana corn farmers.”

Donnelly also led a charge in 2015 to roll back the Environmental Protection Agency’s Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule.

“When the EPA overstepped its authority by regulating farm fields and roadside ditches, Senator Donnelly was one of the first to stand up for farmers and introduce legislation to stop this overreach,” said Jeanette Merritt, a farmer from Peru and chair of ISA’s Membership & Policy Committee. “Regardless of party, Senator Donnelly has been a bipartisan leader for Indiana farmers.”

Donnelly says working on behalf of agriculture is one of the most important parts of his job.

“Hoosier farmers are growing the food and fiber that drive our economy, strengthen our local communities, and help feed the world. As I’ve always said, I’m the hired help and I’m committed to listening to Hoosier farmers and working together for commonsense, bipartisan solutions that promote agriculture,” said Donnelly. “I am honored to receive the inaugural Friend of Farmers award, and will continue working on behalf of all Hoosier farmers and our agriculture community.”

corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFS