Clean Fuels Conference 202

ARF: Sen Cruz is Anti-Job, Anti-Farmer

Joanna Schroeder

America’s Renewable Future (ARF) will be following presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz around Iowa as he campaigns to let voters know “the truth” about his “dangerous” plans for the state’s farmers and economy. The ARF RV will be at each of Cruz’s 28 stops and community members and ARF staff will be speaking with Iowans about their final Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) grade report. The ARF team will also be discussing Cruz’s plan to kill their jobs and Iowa’s agricultural economy. In addition to these efforts, the organization is launching a series of newspaper, radio, and digital ads and robo-calls to coincide with the bus tour.

ARF-Logo-Retina-Alt“Ted Cruz’s policy in the White House would be as its always been for him—devastate Iowa’s farmers and its economy in order to pad the pockets of the oil industry,” said ARF State Director, Eric Branstad, “Iowans can’t trust him and we have a duty to let them know why.”

Last week ARF released its final grading report with Cruz and Sen. Rand Paul the only two candidates the organization graded as “bad”.

“Iowa’s farmers and over 73,000 Iowans depend on a strong RFS,” added Branstad, “It’s how I pay my bills and that’s what thousands of other families pay theirs with, too, our state’s economy absolutely depends on it.”

biofuels, RFS