New Biodiesel Board Chair Elected

John Davis

The National Biodiesel Board recently elected new officers for 2016.

* Chairman – Ron Marr, Minnesota Soybean Processors
* Vice-Chair – Jennifer Case, New Leaf Biofuel
* Treasurer – Greg Anderson, Nebraska Soybean Board
* Secretary – Kent Engelbrecht, ADM

Marr said the officers’ job now is to make sure the green fuel has all the necessary tools to remain competitive.

nbb-marr“America’s advanced biofuel continues to make a significant impact to reduce carbon and support local jobs from Coast to Coast,” said NBB’s newly elected chair Ron Marr. “Right now our focus is on securing a long term producers incentive to support much needed competition in the distillate fuel market. Advocating for a strong and growing biodiesel market remains the National Biodiesel Board’s top priority, and I look forward to working with our board and members to expand biodiesel’s energy, environment and economic benefits even further.”

Biodiesel, NBB