Clean Fuels Conference 202

Orrie Swayze Says E30 is a Child’s Best Friend

Joanna Schroeder

According to the Clean Air Act, Memorandum 1A it is legal for all cars to use E30, a blend of 30 percent ethanol, 70 percent gasoline, according to Orrie Swayze, a long-time ethanol advocate. He is working along side the South Dakota Farmers Union to encourage drivers to use E30 – especially for the health benefits higher blends of ethanol offer to children.

20568763580_03f060c94f_zSwayze says the language has always been there, but “like the bible is subject to interpretation”. “It’s clear to me, says Swayze, “that it is legal to use E30 in a standard vehicle because you aren’t damage emissions equipment or degrading emissions.”

E30 is often known in the industry as the “sweet spot” and according to the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) is volatility neutral. NREL also classifies E30 as a super premium fuel. Ethanol runs cooler, provides better combustion and thus more power, explains Swayze.

Swayze along with the the South Dakota Farmers Union have created a special order of business to encourage farmers, and drivers, to use E30. Click here to read the proclamation.

But he notes that the biggest winners of ethanol use is not actually the drivers, but our children. E30, says Swayze who quoted an American Medical Association research report, helps to nearly eliminates engine created benzene and other known human carcinogenic emissions that destroy brain matter in growing children. He has outlined the information on his website, as an educational mechanism for consumers.

To learn more about the use of E30 and how it helps reduce air pollution, listen to my interview with Orrie Swayze: Orrie Swayze Says Use E30 for the Children

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ACE Ethanol Conference, Audio, Education, Ethanol, Renewable Energy