PERC Promotes Alt Fuels for Emergency Vehicles

John Davis

PERCThe Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) has joined a national task force promoting the use of alternative fuel in emergency vehicles. PERC says the task force has a two-year program to educate emergency managers about alternative fuels.

The Initiative for Resiliency in Energy through Vehicles is one of 11 projects funded by the Department of Energy Clean Cities program to accelerate the growth of the alternative fuel vehicles market. The National Association of State Energy Officials was awarded $800,000 in grant funds to administer the project. PERC will work with NASEO and 17 other member groups to provide emergency fleet managers with customized tools, information, and strategies about alternative fuel vehicle technologies, infrastructure, and their uses in emergency scenarios.

The task force’s resources will help emergency managers examine the potential costs, benefits, and interdepencies associated with diversifying their fleets, reducing dependence on petroleum, and increasing their energy security.

“Alternative fuels are very important for the emergency response sector,” said Roy Willis, PERC president and CEO. “Diversifying a fleet’s fuel source insulates it from petroleum market volatility and mitigates the impact of supply disruptions. It’s all about ensuring that priority fuel users can continue to operate in the face of natural disasters, major fuel source disruptions, and extreme weather events.”

PERC has been a heavy investor in the creation of propane-powered technologies, and that has led to a dramatic expansion in the types of available propane vehicles, including those used by emergency response fleets.
