Latest School Fundraiser: Biodiesel

John Davis

biodiesel4schools1Tired of buying lop-sided candles or ugly wrapping paper just because you want to help your school make a few bucks? Well, maybe you can do like another school in North Carolina is doing in this story from WNCT-TV and sign up for the Biodiesel 4 Schools program, an initiative that helps school districts raise money by collecting cooking oil from local restaurants, and then selling the green fuel to businesses with school districts getting a cut of the profit.

Beaufort County Schools officially signed on with the Biodiesel 4 Schools program this month…

Pitt County was the pilot school for the program, and after seeing its success, Beaufort County wants in on it too.

“In some ways for us it’s like liquid gold for what it can bring in,” said Beaufort County superintendent Dr. Don Phipps. He hopes to put that gold towards technology in the classroom…

The program is just getting started in Beaufort County and the Green Circle NC Biodiesel 4 Schools representative says the next few weeks are all about recruiting restaurants and businesses with cafeterias.

“The local budget for schools is getting smaller and smaller every year, and this is the easiest way for people to give back,” said program representative, Ken Weeks.

Learn more about the program on the Biodiesel 4 Schools website.
