Voluntary Quality Control Pays Off for Biodiesel

John Davis

BQ9000labA voluntary quality control program is paying dividends to the biodiesel industry as it has helped maintain high standards for the green fuel, and in turn, kept demand up for it. This article from Biodiesel Magazine says the BQ-9000 programs help those selling and using biodiesel.

“Implementing BQ-9000 and getting accredited is a lot of work, but we find following BQ-9000 structure and rules really helps manage and run Thumb BioEnergy,” said Leon Jackson of Thumb BioEnergy, a small biodiesel producer in Sandusky, Mich. “It has really helped us maximize production and optimize the quality of our fuel. I would highly recommend becoming a BQ-9000-certified producer.”

The BQ-9000 quality assurance programs are designed to help ensure that the biodiesel fuel produced, blended, and distributed throughout the U.S. meets and is maintained against the appropriate ASTM specifications. There are currently three voluntary programs developed for producers, fuel marketers and independent laboratories. While these are not product quality certification programs, they ensure the individual companies follow the necessary policies and procedures to maintain the fuel throughout the process by a checklist of independently audited procedures.

The article also points out that nearly 90 percent of all biodiesel produced last year came from BQ-9000-certified producers, ensuring consumers and retailers have a quality product.
