Clean Fuels Conference 202

VoteVets Expands RFS Ad Campaign

Joanna Schroeder

VoteVets has expanded its television campaign in support of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The ads began in Iowa earlier this month and have now expanded into Nebraska. The ads are also airing in Washington, D.C.

The ad airing in Nebraska features Iraq War Veteran, Michael Connolly, making the case that gutting the Renewable Fuel Standard would allow for a greater flow of oil dollars to our enemies, who use that money for weaponry that has targeted our troops.  Connolly, who served in Iraq from 2007 to 2008, lived in Glenwood, Iowa from 2010 to 2012, and now lives just across the border, in Nebraska.

The ad in Omaha opens with a massive explosion in front of a military convoy. Connolly says, “War is dangerous. I know. I was there.  Now, people ask me all the time how they can support the troops.”  Holding a yellow ribbon, Connolly says, “By putting one of these on your car?  Sure…”  And then in front of an ethanol gas pump, “By putting this in your tank?  Even better… More renewable fuels, like the kind grown here in Nebraska, means we use less foreign oil. And that means less money for our enemies.  But the oil companies are trying to kill renewable fuels.”

The ad in Iowa also features Connolly and begins with a massive explosion in front of a military convoy.  Connolly says, “I did two tours in the Middle-East…and let me tell you, I saw a heck of a lot, like how billions in oil profits found their way to some of the same terrorists we were fighting against. Investing in renewable energy like the kind here in Iowa can help stop that.  It means more American jobs and less oil money going to enemies who threaten our national security. Tell the EPA to stand up to Big Oil…don’t cut the Renewable Fuel Standard.”

biofuels, Ethanol, RFS, Video